Updating to Cypress 10 might require plugin authors to make some changes to their custom plugins.

Configuration File Changes

Configuring plugins via cypress/plugins/index.js is no longer supported as of Cypress version 10.0.0. Everything located in that file must be moved to cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts in the appropriate testing-type object.

For more information about configuration file changes, visit our Migration Guide.

Configuration Option Changes

In addition to the configuration file itself, some configuration options have changed. Below are a couple of the most relevant options to plugin authors:


The testFiles option is no longer used, and has been replaced with the specPattern option, which must be defined inside the component and e2e configuration objects.

For more information on the testFiles => specPattern change, click here.


This option is no longer used, as it has been made redundant by the specPattern testing-type specific option.


Instead of exporting a function via cypress/plugins/index.js , you’ll need to use the setupNodeEvents function detailed here.

For a list of all v10 changes to configuration options, click here.