Updating to Cypress 10 might require plugin authors to make some changes to their custom plugins.

Configuration File Changes

Configuring plugins via cypress/plugins/index.js is no longer supported as of Cypress version 10.0.0. Everything located in that file must be moved to cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts in the appropriate testing-type object.

For more information about configuration file changes, visit our Migration Guide.

Configuration Option Changes

In addition to the configuration file itself, some configuration options have changed. Below are a couple of the most relevant options to plugin authors:


The testFiles option is no longer used, and has been replaced with the specPattern option, which must be defined inside the [component](<https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/configuration#component>) and [e2e](<https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/configuration#e2e>) configuration objects.

For more information on the testFiles => specPattern change, click here.


This option is no longer used, as it has been made redundant by the specPattern testing-type specific option.


Instead of exporting a function via cypress/plugins/index.js , you’ll need to use the setupNodeEvents function detailed here.

For a list of all v10 changes to configuration options, click here.